Lunes, Agosto 17, 2020

How to Properly Store your Weed

Probably one of the most overlooked aspects of getting into the marijuana industry is the storage of your marijuana buds. Not many people stop and think about where and how they would store their weed. If you are a marijuana enthusiast and you want to get the best out of every marijuana bud that you light up, then you would know how important it is to properly store your weed. There are many options that you can choose from when picking the perfect storage for your weed. Depending on the conditions of where you are located, the ideal place for cannabis storage is quite a simple task. Why exactly do we need to store our weed buds? Proper storage of your marijuana ensures that the buds you have to maintain their potency, flavor, smell, and freshness. One of the most common mistakes of weed users is that they leave their marijuana buds out in the open while they do not consume it. This causes their weed buds to have a stale flavor and lose its aroma as well as its potency. Some people also store it in large carton boxes. While this is better than keeping them out in the open where it is exposed to all kinds of germs and bacteria, it is still an improper way of storing your marijuana buds. Storing your weed buds is important because not only does it preserve the flavors and potency of the weed, it also protects it and keeps the buds clean until further use, even after around a year. Improper storage may lead to insects and bacteria making contact with your weed buds, causing it to develop molds that are dangerous to consume. This causes their weed buds to have a stale flavor and lose its aroma as well as its potency. Some people also store it in large carton boxes. While this is better than keeping them out in the open where it is exposed to all kinds of germs and bacteria, it is still an improper way of storing your marijuana buds. Storing your weed buds is important because not only does it preserve the flavors and potency of the weed, it also protects it and keeps the buds clean until further use, even after around a year. Improper storage may lead to insects and bacteria making contact with your weed buds, causing it to develop molds that are dangerous to consume. This causes their weed buds to have a stale flavor and lose its aroma as well as its potency. Some people also store it in large carton boxes. While this is better than keeping them out in the open where it is exposed to all kinds of germs and bacteria, it is still an improper way of storing your marijuana buds. Storing your weed buds is important because not only does it preserve the flavors and potency of the weed, it also protects it and keeps the buds clean until further use, even after around a year. Improper storage may lead to insects and bacteria making contact with your weed buds, causing it to develop molds that are dangerous to consume. While this is better than keeping them out in the open where it is exposed to all kinds of germs and bacteria, it is still an improper way of storing your marijuana buds. Storing your weed buds is important because not only does it preserve the flavors and potency of the weed, it also protects it and keeps the buds clean until further use, even after around a year. Improper storage may lead to insects and bacteria making contact with your weed buds, causing it to develop molds that are dangerous to consume. While this is better than keeping them out in the open where it is exposed to all kinds of germs and bacteria, it is still an improper way of storing your marijuana buds. Storing your weed buds is important because not only does it preserve the flavors and potency of the weed, it also protects it and keeps the buds clean until further use, even after around a year. Improper storage may lead to insects and bacteria making contact with your weed buds, causing it to develop molds that are dangerous to consume. 

How exactly do you store your marijuana properly? First of all, proper storage means that you can purchase your weed in bulk without having to worry about running to your local weed dispensary every now and then. When you are storing your weed buds, there are several factors that you have to keep in check and avoid exposing to your marijuana buds: the light that is being exposed to the weed buds, the temperature and humidity of where you are storing your weed, and the airflow and circulation inside the storage. Many studies have proven that when exposed to sunlight or any indirect source of light, marijuana buds tend to degrade and lose their potency and flavor. In fact, exposure to light is what causes the most degradation of marijuana buds. In order to avoid this, choosing storage that keeps out light is recommended. Placing them inside airtight glass jars or vacuum-sealed containers are good choices as long as they are kept in cool, dark places such as inside drawers, cabinets, etc. It would be best if these weed buds are not exposed to heat, light, and even air. These elements can cause the weed buds to lose their flavor and potency if exposed for a long period of time. 

A common question that is asked by many marijuana users is “How long does my weed last?” Well, as we discussed in this article, there is no exact expiration date for your weed as it depends entirely on how you store it. Many weed users even say that aged weed would taste a lot better because of the reserved flavors if stored in a proper manner. Just remember to store them in dry, dark places. Also, use containers that do not conduct any sort of heat. Do not store them in refrigerators and plastic containers as this could fail at keeping out any unwanted airflow and destroy your marijuana buds.

Storing your weed in a proper manner is important especially if you want to preserve its flavor, aroma, and potency. Weed does not have an exact shelf life but depending on how you store it, you can have potent and fresh buds that will last you years if stored and managed properly. 

Huwebes, Abril 9, 2020

Growing Marijuana Outdoors: How It Works

If you plan on starting your very own marijuana garden, then outdoor marijuana growing is one of the many options for you. Outdoor growing offers a lot of benefits especially for first time marijuana growers. It is a great activity to turn into a hobby if you have the necessary time and tools. Many marijuana growers enjoy the feeling of fulfillment when they get to harvest and smoke the marijuana buds that they cultivated themselves. Outdoor marijuana growing has been known to be less expensive than indoor marijuana growing because of the less amount of equipment that you would need. It also allows the marijuana grower to make use of more space between the plants when cultivating the weed seeds, which is an important part of marijuana growing since it makes sure that the plants do not grow over one another and each plant receives equal amounts of sunlight, water, and air.

While growing marijuana outdoors is generally an easy task, there are still a couple of things that you need to keep in mind when doing it. While it does require less equipment and tools than indoor marijuana growing, it is still necessary to keep a close watch on the environment and surroundings of your marijuana plants. Outdoor growing depends a lot on the natural elements and nutrients that the surrounding environment provides. We all know that light is necessary for marijuana plants to grow.

It stimulates the plant and allows it to photosynthesize. While indoor growing generally depends on things such as lamps and LED lights as their source of light, outdoor growing makes use of the sunlight provided during the daytime. It makes for a cheaper way of providing light to your cannabis plants. Another main difference is the growing medium in which the marijuana plants are grown in. The soil that is used in indoor growing may be filled with nutrients and vitamins that the marijuana grower wishes to give the plant. This is usually done manually. On the other hand, outdoor marijuana growing relies heavily on the natural vitamins and minerals found in the soil of your own backyard.

This proves to be quite an advantage because natural soils are known to be great mediums because of the high levels of nutrients that are found in them. Outdoor marijuana growing, however, does have some disadvantages. For one, it gives you lesser control over the sunlight and air that it absorbs. There will be days when you marijuana plants would not receive enough sunlight or absorb too much sunlight because of the unpredictability of the weather. Another disadvantage would be the exposure to insects and natural calamities that cannot be controlled. Having your marijuana plants out in the open also increases the risk that more people would be able to see it. Growing marijuana plants is an activity best done discreetly so outdoor growing may affect this.

Outdoor marijuana growing does not suit every cannabis strain. It is important to know which cannabis strains prefer growing outdoors as opposed to indoor growing. Every cannabis strain grows differently and has its own traits and properties and understanding the preference of growing is important in making sure that you would get the highest yields possible and the best flavors and potency from your cannabis plants. Some of the best cannabis strains that are outdoor growers are The Critical Kush, Purple Kush, and Royal Domina. If you are looking to start your very own weed garden and you have a difficult time deciding where you want to cultivate your weed seeds, this article could help as a guide in understanding the pros and cons of outdoor marijuana growing.

Lunes, Abril 6, 2020

Here are our Top Autoflowering Marijuana Seeds

Autoflowering seeds are the new hot thing in the marijuana planting industry. Because of the way it makes planting marijuana easier than ever before, many marijuana plant growers have resorted to using these types of seeds. Autoflowering seeds offer a lot of benefits and advantages. For example, it is the perfect ideal type of cannabis seed to be planted if you are a beginner grower and you are just now exploring what it feels like to plant cannabis. Autoflowering seeds are also mainly used for growers who harvest cannabis in bulk. This helps make their lives easier because it requires a lot less effort to maintain these types of seeds as compared to others and it also allows them to harvest their crop sooner. Also, because of the traits that these seeds possess, marijuana growers are also usually able to harvest more crops from their weed gardens because of the shorter time duration between the growths of autoflowering seeds. But aside from all of these, the biggest advantage that an autoflowering seed has to offer is perhaps the maintenance of light absorption of the cannabis plants. You do not have to worry about the typical “12-hours of sunlight/12-hours of darkness” dilemma anymore. These plants can fully manage even if they are given a whole day of constant light. This is truly beneficial to marijuana growers since it makes the planting process a whole lot easier.

Now that we know what autoflowering seeds are and the advantages that they give, we have here some autoflowering strains that are considered to be among the very best in the world. These strains have been used by many, many marijuana plants growers all over the world and they are renowned to be of very high quality, amazing flavors, great highs, and easy growing.

Amnesia Haze Autoflowering Seeds by Rocket Seeds – If you are an expert in the field of marijuana growing, then you might have already heard of this strain. But if you have not, then you are surely going to love it.  When planted, these seeds are going to provide you with high yield rates and a bountiful harvest. Because of the autoflowering trait, this is fairly easy to grow as it takes around 8 to 9 weeks to fully mature. You should also expect this plant to grow a stall structure with robust and dense buds. As for the flavor, it offers hints of spiciness and lemon citrus notes, causing a psychedelic high because it is a sativa dominant strain. The main effect that users feel after taking a few hits of this is an uplifting effect.

 Behold, The Devil’s Crack by Beaver Seeds – Quite a name for a marijuana strain, eh? The Devil’s Crack, despite its name, offers a heavenly sweet taste and a gentle aroma of fruit and citrus on the nose. The aggressive name may come from the high potency of the buds, causing the highs to impart an energetic and rowdy feeling of creative inspiration. As for growing, it is also a sativa dominant strain so the structure of the plant can be quite tall. It takes around 65 days to fully mature with the harvest time usually occurring during the month of October. This is a great strain that you guys don’t wanna miss out on.

Pineapple Express Autoflowering Seeds by SunWest Genetics – I know what you are probably thinking. “Oh, hey! It’s Pineapple Express, like the movie!” You are exactly right. There is a good reason for naming a movie after one of the best autoflowering seeds out there. The Pineapple Express offers a great strain for beginner marijuana growers who have a tough time deciding what easy seeds to grow. Because of the fruity and pleasant taste of this strain along with the ease of planting it, it is the ideal strain not only for amateurs but for experienced weed connoisseurs as well. It takes roughly around 55 days to fully mature which is pretty short. Despite its high THC content, it gives a daytime high that makes you want to come back for more.

Martes, Marso 17, 2020

The Benefits of Growing Female Marijuana Seeds

Image result for femalemarijuana

If you have been into marijuana growing for quite some time now, you would know the importance of selecting the right kinds of seeds to plant in your garden. Because the cannabis plant is a very sensitive type of plant to be engaged in due to the legal concerns and rules regarding this plant, it is especially important to understand how the seeds that you plant will eventually grow and develop in order to avoid any mistakes and low quality outcomes when harvest time for your marijuana buds comes around. There are many different types of seeds that are offered in the marijuana market today and each of them possesses unique traits that suit the needs of all marijuana growers everywhere, whether you are a beginner grower or an experienced weed cannaisseur.

One of the most popular and in demand types of seeds is the world famous Feminized Seeds. You have probably come across this term while you were shopping online for your weed seeds or in the local marijuana dispensaries in your area. Many people wonder what exactly these seeds do and why they are so popular. Well, let us first discuss the sex of marijuana plants. Like us people, marijuana can be classified into male and female plants. You can usually differentiate the two by their appearance during the “pre-flower” or vegetative stages of a cannabis plant by observing the small bulbs that protrude from in between the branches. In the marijuana growing industry, it is absolutely crucial for cannabis growers to determine the sex of the marijuana plant as early as possible. You see, female marijuana plants are the only ones that are able to produce cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. These are the two main components of a marijuana plant and these can only be found in female plants. Put simply, female plants are the ones that every day smokers and stoners consume. Male plants, on the other hand, have no such ability. These plants are often discarded because they are considered low quality weed and they do not really have any effects when being consumed. In addition to this, male marijuana plants also start pollinating at some point in time. If female plants are exposed to pollination, they are prone to producing male plants. This is why it is important to separate the male from female marijuana plants as early as possible.

Listed here are some of the many benefits that feminized marijuana seeds offer:

  • Feminized seeds guarantee 99%-100% of growing female marijuana plants. This avoids any risk of pollination of male plants and removes the task of having to separate them.
  • It is cost efficient since all seeds that you plant will grow into female marijuana plants, which means no seeds will be wasted because of male marijuana plants being produced.
  • It maximizes the quality and THC and CBD content of your marijuana harvest. This leads to a high yield rate and a bountiful harvest.
  • It helps marijuana growers manage the space that their marijuana plants occupy. There will be no need for intervention of growers for pruning because of male marijuana plants.
  • These feminized seeds are ideal for beginners because it is a lot less technical than growing regular cannabis seeds.
  • Lastly, feminized marijuana plants can almost guarantee you a better quality strain and genetics rather than male marijuana plants.

As far as feminized marijuana seeds are concerned, they are a more ideal choice if you plant to grow solely for quality buds and great harvests. If you plan on cloning your cannabis plants and want more seeds to grow naturally, then it is recommended to keep some male cannabis plants.

Huwebes, Mayo 23, 2019

What You Need to Know About Cannabis Indica

Marijuana is a term used to call a family of plants and is divided into two distinct types: Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica plants. Canna indica seeds are seeds from Cannabis indica plants. Canna indica has a distinct appearance, effects, medical effects, side effects and growing needs from its Cannabis sativa sibling.

In general, Canna indica has the following characteristics:

·         These are small plants with short statures
·         These plants have broad leaves
·         These plants have shorter flowering times.
·         Indica plants are suitable for places with colder climates and in regions with shorter seasons

The origin of the word

The terms indica and sativa were used in the 18th century to describe the two different species of cannabis: the Cannabis indica and Cannabis sativa.

Sativa was first used by Carl Linnaeus to describe hemp plants in Europe and in western Eurasia. Sativa was initially grown for its strong fiber and for its seeds.

Meanwhile, the term Cannabis indica was first used by Jean-Baptise Lamarck to describe the psychoactive effects of weed in India. Cannabis indica was cultivated for its seeds, fiber and for making hashish.

The weed that cannabis lovers consume comes from Cannabis indica but usually, both terms (Sativa and indica) are used to refer to the many strains that are found in the market today.

The appearance of cannabis indica plants

Canna indica plants are small with broad leaves. These plants have compact structures and will usually grow only up to a few feet high. The size and appearance of Cannabis indica plants make these useful for growing cannabis stealthily indoors.

If cannabis growing is prohibited in your area but you still want to grow your own supply at home, canna indica is your best choice. Canna indica plants may be cultivated inside a small space. These plants will thrive and grow well even in very small places like tents, cabinets and grow boxes. 

The effects of cannabis indica

Canna indica strains generally have strong, relaxing effects but to actually understand these, you need to find out why indicas are relaxing and why sativas are stimulating.

According to experts, it is not enough to label indicas as relaxing and sativas as stimulating. There are factors that determine the effects of a certain strain like the chemical profile of the strain, a person's unique biology, the personal tolerance of a person, the dose and how the weed was consumed.
Canna indica plants may have a higher THC and lower CBD or a lower CBD and higher THC. THC and CBD are just two of the hundreds of cannabinoids present in cannabis. These two chemicals are the main indicators of a strain’s therapeutic or recreational effects.  THC and CBD balance each other out and naturally when a strain has high THC, it will have low CBD and vice versa.

The cannabinoids

There are hundreds of chemical compounds, each with their own effects. These are led by cannabinoids and terpenes. THC or tetrahydrocannabinol can make you feel hungry and euphoric. It relieves pain as well as nausea. CBD or cannabidiol is a compound that does not produce psychoactive effects which can reduce anxiety, inflammation, pain, and other medical conditions. 
Experts advise users that instead of choosing an indica or sativa strain, select from these three groups instead:

·         High- THC or THC-dominant strains
THC – dominant strains are for consumers who are looking for a strong euphoric experience. These are for patients who need help for pain, anxiety, insomnia, depression and so many more.
If you are not comfortable or you feel anxious when taking high THC strains then you should switch to strains with a higher CBD.
·         High-CBD or CBD-dominant strains
This type has more CBD and less THC. Because of this, you can gain relief for a variety of conditions like pain, stress, depression, and anxiety minus any psychoactive effects. This is used by people who are quite sensitive to THC or those who want clear-headed symptom relief.
·         Balanced  THC/CBD strains
These strains contain small amounts of THC and have mild euphoria with symptom relief. It is a good choice for people new to using cannabis and for someone new to the usual cannabis high.
Both sativa and indica strains can have different cannabinoid profiles. Some people believe that high CBD levels can lead to sedation and that CBD levels are higher in indica plants but this is not actually the case. 

Experts reveal that there is likely more CBD in sativas but there is no systematic rule regarding this.

What are terpenes?

Canna indica plants also come with terpenes. Similar to aromatherapy, terpenes can invigorate your senses and body resulting in mind and body relaxation. Terpenes are basically aromatic components of weed and are also found in lavender flowers, hops, pepper, and oranges.

Terpenes are secreted by glands that secrete CBD and THC. When you smell berries, pine, diesel, citrus or flower smell in your weed, terpenes are at work here.

Similar to oils that are vaporized using a diffuser, terpenes from cannabis can make users feel sedated or stimulated depending on the type of terpene that was produced. Just some of the most common terpenes are pinene, a terpene that causes users to become alert and linalool that makes users feel relaxed. There are hundreds more so be sure to familiarize yourself as you try different canna indica strains.

And whether a strain is an indica or sativa does not determine the aroma and effects of a strain but you will surely notice a consistency with the different strains available.  So when you consume canna indica and sativa strains, try to distinguish which strain has relaxing terpenes or which one has stimulating terpenes.

The medical effects of cannabis indica

Your biology, the consumption method and the dosing of canna indica determines its medical use. Have you ever used cannabis before or canna indica before?  If you have a low tolerance for cannabis then consider a low-THC or high-CBD strain. You may also use high- THC strain but in small, moderate doses.

Are you susceptible to the side effects of canna indica? If so, you should consider a high CBD strain. Do you want a strain with long-lasting effects then consider canna indica in edible form for a lasting high. Indicas have a lasting positive experience. But if you want something quick-acting then inhaling canna indica or using a tincture works best.

If you have a positive experience with indica strains then this might be the type of strain for you. But there’s no reason not to try other strains and check out canna sativa strains! There are too many strains waiting for you.  

Canna indica is useful for the relief of insomnia. The relaxing effects can end sleeplessness and help users wake up fresh and ready for a new day. It is also a strain for pain. It can deal with pain conditions like headaches, muscle pains, muscle strains, chronic pains, and surgical pain. The strong analgesic effects of canna indica strains can help you stop the pain and compared to synthetic analgesics, canna indica can stop the pain with little to no side effects or dependence.

Side effects of canna indica
Just some of the common side effects of canna indica include dry eyes and dry mouth if the strain has elevated THC levels. You may also experience headaches, restlessness, and anxiety especially when you consume indicas in higher doses. You may also experience paranoia especially when you are new to using canna indica.

How to grow canna indica plants

Because of this strain’s size, indoor growing is a good choice. The plant has a small structure but has broad leaves, therefore, you must consider pruning your plants to improve its yields. Canna indica plants will grow well in healthy, well-aerated soil so the best choice would be a sandy-clayey soil mix. This soil will absorb more water and nutrients plus will drain excess nutrients and water from the soil as well. Sandy clayey soil will also permit oxygen to move to the roots of the plants.
Because canna indica plants are small with large leaves, these should be pruned to improve lighting, air circulation and to prevent the growth of molds and mildew. Mold and mildew grow where there’s moisture and therefore these can grow in soil and inside dense flowers. To prevent this, use a quality dehumidifier and water your plants only when the soil is dry and high.
Some canna indica strains are easy to grow while some could be challenging. Some are immune to pests and molds while some are not. But don’t take any chances; always be diligent and check your plants for any pest. To remove pests like spider mites, grasshoppers, crickets and the like, use natural products and pesticides.
Use neem oil. water and other natural methods. If you are going to use neem oil, do not spray it in the buds since neem can affect the taste and smell of the buds. Most canna indica strains have large, thick buds with good yields. Protect your buds from molds and pests and you're ready for an impressive yield to come harvest time.

Lunes, Mayo 20, 2019

Cannabis Classification: Know Your Weeds

As the demand for cannabis continually increases, finding the best weed list for your needs and preference is no longer easy. With so much classification and wide selection available in the market, knowing your weeds is a must. Basically, cannabis has two main species, the Indica, and Sativa which are both indigenous to Central and South Asia. However, these two have different taste, smell, and phenotypes.

Indica tends to grow shorter and bushier with purplish bud appearance, while Sativa grows taller and thinner. More fundamentally, the differences between their traits and phenotypes correlate with their effects. Indicas are known to provide stoney body highs, while Sativa effects are more on cerebral high. Understanding the effects of this cannabis will help you get to know more about your weeds.

To help you better, here is the best weed list which could suit your needs and preference:

1.    Acapulco Gold

Acapulco is on our best weed list since it is one of the most popular cannabisstrains which have ever created. It resembles a gold nugget with the scent of a burnt toffee that lingers around its buds. This Mexican landrace is known for its stimulating and mood-lifting effects.

2.    ACDC

This Sativa dominant strain contains high CBD level which is considered as it is the most remarkable characteristic. Thus, if you are looking for high CBD strain cannabis with no psychoactive effects to cloud your mind, ACDC is highly recommended.

3.    Afghani

It is a heavy Indica strain which should never miss on our best weed list. This strain was named after its geographic origin where the earliest variety of cannabis was first found. It is famous for its sedation qualities and heavy resin production.

4.    Afgoo

Another best strain to add on the list is this Indica dominant strain. It has an ultra-heavy Indica effect which let you relax and go sleepy with its earthy pine scent and flavor.

5.    Berry White

Another Indica dominant cannabis strain which is famous for its own effects which offer shelter from stress and feeling of euphoria. Berry White is the offspring of the two most famous cannabis strains in the world, the Blueberry and White Widow.

6.    Blue Dream

This Sativa-dominant hybrid originated in California has achieved legendary status among the West Coast strains. Blue Dream is beneficial for giving full-body relaxation and a gentle cerebral high effect. Both novice and veteran users love this strain because of its gentle and calming effects.

7.    Blueberry

One of the highly regarded cannabis strain which even claimed the title for High Times’ Cannabis Cup 2000 for Best Indica. Its long history can be traced back in the 1970s. From then on, this strain has provided a distinct flavor of blueberry to the cannabis world.

8.    Bubba Kush

Bubba Kush is an Indica strain notorious for its heavy tranquilizing effects. It has a sweet flavor with subtle notes of chocolates and coffee which give a powerful relaxation to the body.

9.    Cannatonic

This is a unique hybrid strain with specifically low THC and high CBD content. It provides a relatively mellow high and uplifting effects. This CBD-rich variation is immensely loved by its users for its perfectly combats anxiety attacks.

10. Cinex

Cinex is a mix of already famous parents, the Cinderella 99 and Vortex. It provides a variety of flavors ranging from the sweet taste of citrus to earthy taste. It also has uplifting effects which are perfect for enhancing positive disposition and stimulates creativity.

Knowing Your Weeds

With the best weed list provided, you now have an idea of the different strains and classifications of cannabis. Furthermore, as aforementioned, cannabis plants phenotypes and traits tend to correlate with their given effects. However, correlation does not imply causation. Thus, understanding the causes of the therapeutic effects that you get from your weeds is the first step in knowing it better.

  • Genotype

While phenotype refers to the outer appearance, genotype refers to the genetic and internal blueprints of the strain which it inherits. A genotype is the set of potential and possible traits and characteristics which a certain strain may pass on to its offspring.

  • Chemotype

On the other hand, chemotype talks about the chemical makeup and compounds of the cannabis strain. These chemical compounds are the most prevalent and distinct entity in the plant with the differences in the composition of the metabolites.

Cannabis Types

As noted above, Sativa and Indica have different phenotypes. Furthermore, their genotypes are what outline to the possibility of their taste, scents, look, and possible effects. It means that if a certain strain is an Indica dominant plant, it has a strong Indica appearance, smell, taste, and effects. The same goes for the Sativa dominant strains. With the ever ranging emergences of hybrid strains, mixed genetics are also becoming common alongside with its mixed effects.

How It Is Used

Cannabis can be used in various ways and approaches. It also comes with different forms and has varying effects depending on its forms. Getting to know your weeds is understanding how it works and how it is properly used.

  • Dried Leaves and Flowers
The most common form of cannabis is dried leaves and flowers or buds which are used for smoking.

  • Dried Plant Resin
Another form is the plant’s dried resin which can be mixed with tobacco or which can be added to brownies or cookies.

  • Oil
Oil which can be extracted directly from the cannabis plant is usually used for its high potency.

  • Synthetic Forms
There are reports which state that there is synthetic cannabis which is produced and designed to have similar effects. This form may possess more harmful and dangerous effects than real cannabis.

The Bottom Line

Depending on your certain needs, learning about the different classifications of cannabis lets you understand more about it. With the provided best weed list, you are now more aware of the differences of each. Furthermore, understanding how it works and how it can be used is also another thing to learn more.

Biyernes, Mayo 17, 2019

What are the Different Types of Marijuana?

This modern world of weed is extensive. If you are new to the use of cannabis, you may notice that weed is available in different strains and categorized into various types. There are 3 different types of marijuana, and each type offers a specific effect.

The 3 types of weed are indica, sativa, and hybrid. If you plan to begin using cannabis, it is very important to learn and understand the differences between each them. All these forms of weed will get you high, but the experience will vary in each type.

Indica vs. Sativa

Indica and sativa strains are two original kinds of cannabis. A hybrid strain is a combination of sativa andindica. A hybrid strain can be 50% indica and 50% sativa or one side can be more dominant over the other.

If you see a cannabis strain defined as “sativa-dominant hybrid”, that will mean the strain comes with a mix of sativa and indica genetics, but the sativa side is stronger than the other.

Their Origin

Not only their effects vary, but these types of marijuana differ in origin. The sativa strains are from the hot and dry areas near the equator, such as South Africa and Mexico. Indica strains are native to countries with cooler climates such as Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan.

Characteristics and Cultivation

Sativa strains are at their best when they stay under warm climates. These plants grow tall. Their leaves are thin and long while their buds are light and airy. They exist in colors orange, red, and even rust colors. Sativa strains flower in 60 up to 90 days and are suitable for outdoor growing.

However, indica strains are native to colder and mountainous weathers. They grow thick, short, and very bushy. Their leaves are rounder and fuller than the sativa plants.

Also, the buds of indica strains are compact and dense, often with a very strong scent. Indica strains typically take 45 up to 50 days to flower.


If you are looking for the cannabis strains that will keep you up and alive, then the sativa strains are the best choice for you. These strains are known for their uplifting effects. Need some boost to your creative skills? These strains are the ultimate answer.

Contrary to what other people think, not all cannabis strains in the market induce a lazy and stoned feeling. Some strains will do. Others will never.

Sativa is psychologically exhilarating, making you feel uplifted. The invigorating kind of weed is great for stimulating conversations, social situations, and artistic pursuits. Sativa strains are also best to use in the morning to get yourself ready to face the challenges of the day.

Here are some of the famous sativa strains:
        Green Crack
        Durban Poison
        Sour Diesel
        Strawberry Cough


Indica strains are popular due to their lazy and sedating effects. Think of the classic and stereotypical stoner that will keep you glued on the sofa. That is how indica strains work.

They are great for anybody who wants some sort of relaxation after a tiring and busy day. Indica strains produce more of the body high instead of the cerebral one. However, this does not mean that indica doesn’t get you high because they most certainly do.

You will notice a change in the way you think about things, but it is more a dreamy and relaxed high that will keep you feeling comfortably locked to the sofa.

Indica strains are best for relaxing, listening to music, or watching movies. They are also great for anybody who deals with insomnia because they are known to force users to sleep through their sedating effects.
Famous indica strains are:
        Master Kush
        Hindu Kush
        Granddaddy Purple
        Northern Lights
        LA Confidential

These strains provide a combination of two different worlds. Many of the strains available in the market as of now are hybrids. They are offspring of indica and sativa strains.

Hybrid strains usually take on the qualities of both indica and sativa strains, providing a well-balanced head and body highs. Hybrids are either indica-dominant or sativa-dominant. Meaning, they hold strong characteristics of one of their parent strains.

Hybrids that are sativa-dominant will provide more of the elevated mental high while the indica-dominant hybrids provide more relaxing and sedating effects. The following are some of the popular hybrid strains:
        Lemon Kush
        Blue Dream
        Tahoe OG
        Super Silver Haze


Actually, there is one more type of cannabis aside from sativa, indica, and hybrid varieties. This is ruderalis, which are those strains with fast flowering times. Ruderalis is less common than indica and sativa. Perhaps, it is your first time to encounter this term.

Ruderalis plants usually grow up to 2 feet tall but their branches and leaves are somewhat thick that make them look bushy. These plants are native to northern areas because their flowering time starts early.
These strains are easy to grow, so they are highly recommended to beginners. Modern ruderalis hybrids typically start to flower in 21 to 30 days after you planted the seeds.

Their flowering time depends on their age, so these plants will flower by the time they reached the right age even if they are not getting enough exposure to light. It’s why many ruderalis hybrid strains are popularly called autoflowering strains.

They are not as popular as the indica and sativa strains because they lack similar psychotropic effects found in other cannabis varieties. Ruderalis strains naturally have low THC content. Cultivators and breeders use them when searching for the genetic source for the hybrids. That is due to their ability to thrive in cooler climates.

Understanding the Differences Between the Types of Marijuana

As they come from one family sativa and indica differ in many ways. For growth period, indica are fast-growing while the sativa plants take more time to mature. In THC:CBD ratio, sativa strains are high in THC and low in CBD. On the contrary, indica strains are low in THC but high in CBD. The same is the case for ruderalis.

The varying THC:CBD ratios in different cannabis strains naturally lead to varying effects. For indica, the effects are linked to physical and psychological relaxation, increased appetite, and reduced nausea.

On the other hand, sativa strains are more connected to reduced feelings of depression and anxiety and increased creativity and focus.

Both can help in dealing with pain, but sativa strains are better for chronic pain while the indica strains are great for acute pain.

Likewise, indica strains are effective in increasing dopamine. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that delivers messages between brain cells called neurons. Dopamine is very crucial as it aids to control emotions, motivation, movement, and sensations such as pleasure.

However, sativa strains increase the production of the hormone called serotonin, popularly known as the “happy hormone.” Serotonin helps in regulating learning, mood, anxiety, and sleep.

When it comes to the ideal time for using them, sativa strains are better to use at daytime or early in the morning to keep yourself focused, clear-headed, and calm. Indica strains are better to use late in the afternoon or early in the evening as they promote a night of more peaceful and restful sleep.

Which Type of Marijuana is Ideal for Your Needs?

Many cannabis users settle for one kind of weed. There are those who toke sativa every day while some use indica strains when they come home. If you are wondering what kind of cannabis is ideal for you, then the first thing you need to ask yourself is your purpose for using it.

Do you need a revitalizing mental stimulation? Feel the need to tap into your artistic side? If those things are what’s on your mind, then you might be looking for nice sativa strains.

However, if you need some help in falling asleep every night or you want a perfect to destress after a tiring and busy day at work, then your best choice will be the indica strains.

One of the things that you should keep in mind when choosing a type of cannabis is that you must try at least 3 strains: one sativa, one indica, and one hybrid or ruderalis. Pick up a small amount of indica, sativa, hybrid or ruderalis at the nearest recreational dispensary.

If it is your first time to use weed, don’t do this cannabis strain testing in those days you have something important to do. The last thing that you need to do is taking a toke of sativa before leaving the home for work if you have never used weed in the past.

Don’t try all those strains in just one day. The best thing to do is to try just one type of weed each day. This way, you will feel the real effects of every strain type. Try doing it every other day for better results. Follow these steps and rest assured that you will find the right strain for your needs.